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Chinese media bets on PM Narendra Modi in 2019 after Uttar Pradesh win

China's strategic experts and state media appear to be betting on Prime Minister Modi repeating his Uttar Pradesh triumph in 2019 and securing a second term.

A commentary on Monday by strategic expert Zhen Bo in the Communist Party-run Global Times said the "BJP has achieved dominance" but added it was "still uncertain if the BJP can prevail in 2019".

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Another commentary in the same paper on Thursday said Modi was in pole position for 2019, and that China should grasp this changed reality in Indian politics by expecting a "firm and tough" posture from India both domestically and in foreign policy.

"Modi was elected for his pursuit of development," the paper said last week. "His latest triumph also stems from his firm stance on development as well as efforts to carry out economic reform and attract foreign investment. Even though some actions failed to deliver good results, still, he proved that he is a man of action, rather than a politician with only slogans."

This would yield for China "an opportunity to give more consideration over how to make breakthroughs in Beijing-New Delhi relations with a hard-line Indian government", suggested the Global Times, which is not an official paper but a tabloid published by the Communist Party mouthpiece People's Daily that is known to reflect the views of some officials and sections in the party.

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