ABP News is yet another TV channel which has an immense mass acceptance among the Hindi-speaking communities.With Khabar Din Bhar, keep yourself updated with the most recent and latest feature stories of the country and world. Besides hard news, seasonal programmes like IPL Special brings you the latest updates from the world of cricket. Reality Report and Saas Bahu aur Saazish are special entertainment segments which cover latest news from popular serials on TV. For those of you with limited time, catch online ABP’s quite popular headline bulletins like Aaj Ki Baat and Fatafat. Today, in this generation of speed and innovation, it is critical to stay updated with all the latest updates.There is something real than reading the daily newspapers But what does one do when there is a lack of time to rush through the papers? Yes, there is an understanding that people in the Metropolitan cities like Mumbai live a busy life, but how difficult is it to connect to the rest of the world by just glancing through the headlines? ,by getting them from site like ABP Live News and watching them online. With technology booming so fast across the world, the idea is simple, and it's called an online paper or e-paper as it is popularly termed. People can now access news from anywhere at any point of time from their phones, tablets, laptops or their desktops. So in case you are traveling abroad and wish to know what's happening in Mumbai or Pune all you have to do is go online and search for ABP Live, ABP News channel and watch them online to keep yourself updated. Click Here to watch live ABP News Channel : http://www.yupptv.in/#!/play/ABP-News |