Pisaasu (English: Devil) is a 2014 Tamil horror drama film written and directed by Mysskin and produced by Bala under B Studios. The film stars newcomers Naga and Prayaga Martin alongside Radharavi, Kalyani N and Harish Uthaman. The film released on 19 December 2014 to highly positive reviews. Telugu dubbed version "Pisachi" released on 27 February 2015. The film was remade in Kannada as Rakshasi.
Siddharth(Naga) is a violinist who lives alone in his apartment. One fine day, he comes across a injured girl named Bhavani(Prayoga) and tries to save her. To his bad luck, Bhavani dies on the spot. Twist in the tale arises when Bhavani’s soul enters his apartment and starts torturing him. Who is Bhavani ? Why is she torturing Naga who had actually tried to help her ? forms rest of the story.
[Also Watch : Watch Punnami Rathri Telugu Horror Movie]