Fugly is a Bollywood drama film directed by Kabir Sadanand released on 13 June 2014. The film features Jimmy Shergill as one of many lead characters, including debut appearances from Mohit Marwah, Vijender Singh, Arfi Lamba and Kiara Advani.
Fugly is about 4 friends - Dev, Gaurav, Aditya & Devi. They are at the cusp of their lives as the college has just finished, but career path is yet to be set. These friends are conscientious, they have fun but would never cross the boundaries. They all have dreams and expectations from life but one fine day their fun filled and care free life comes to an abrupt halt, when they encounter an extremely corrupt and seemingly fearless Police Officer. This puts a series of events in motion which will test their friendship and characters during which their life becomes 'Fugly'. Watch the movie to know the faith of these youngsters.