Siva Ganesh's debut directorial venture "Kai Raja Kai" (Kaai Raja Kaai) has been released in theatres worldwide on Thursday, 23 April. The film has garnered mixed reviews from critics.
"Kai Raja Kai" is a crime-comedy thriller for which director Siva Ganesh himself has written the story, screenplay and dialogues.
Produced by V Radha and Ch Madhavi Devi, Kai Raja Kai features Josh Ravi, Maanas, Ram Khanna, Shamili and Sravya in the lead roles. JB has composed music for the soundtrack and background score of the film. Deva has handled the camera work for the movie.
A dreaded gangster named Bhattu manages to rob a box of expensive gold biscuits. Twist in the tales arises when his assistants steal the box from him and place it in a car nearby a mechanic shop which is owned by Khanna(Ram Khanna). On the other hand, Annad(Manas) and Josh Ravi(Chitti) are two unemployed youth who stay along with Khanna. Destiny strikes the gang as they come across the box and decide to sell it off and make money. Will they manage to accomplish the task ? How will they escape the evil Bhattu ? That forms the rest of the story.
"Kai Raja Kai" is a crime-comedy thriller for which director Siva Ganesh himself has written the story, screenplay and dialogues.
Produced by V Radha and Ch Madhavi Devi, Kai Raja Kai features Josh Ravi, Maanas, Ram Khanna, Shamili and Sravya in the lead roles. JB has composed music for the soundtrack and background score of the film. Deva has handled the camera work for the movie.
A dreaded gangster named Bhattu manages to rob a box of expensive gold biscuits. Twist in the tales arises when his assistants steal the box from him and place it in a car nearby a mechanic shop which is owned by Khanna(Ram Khanna). On the other hand, Annad(Manas) and Josh Ravi(Chitti) are two unemployed youth who stay along with Khanna. Destiny strikes the gang as they come across the box and decide to sell it off and make money. Will they manage to accomplish the task ? How will they escape the evil Bhattu ? That forms the rest of the story.