Samay Uttar Pradesh Channel was launched on the 28th March, 2003. It was the first attempt by any 24x7 News channel to cater to a regional viewership in the country. It did not take long for the channel to create a distinct niche in terms of viewership in the two states of Uttar Pradesh & Uttaranchal. The channel’s strength has been to provide in-depth regional content, aided by the latest of technologies.
Samay Uttar Pradesh Channel was launched on the 28th March, 2003. It was the first attempt by any 24x7 News channel to cater to a regional viewership in the country. It did not take long for the channel to create a distinct niche in terms of viewership in the two states of Uttar Pradesh & Uttaranchal. The channel’s strength has been to provide in-depth regional content, aided by the latest of technologies.